The Last Orchard

The Last Orchard blurs the boundaries between dreams and reality. It is a delightful story about the family of the earth: people, animals, beautiful trees and how interconnected they are. Each needs the other to thrive and survive. The soaring imagination of two little boys, nurtured by their grandmother’s stories, provides the vehicle through which they—with the help of the snow geese—will try to save a community treasure: the last orchard in town. Children may not understand the concepts of land-use planning or preservation, but they notice when parks and other green spaces are paved over to put in another strip mall. Preserving the beautiful open spaces in our lives allows lots of room for young minds and hearts to grow.

The last orchard
Natividad Osa (author) and Javier Dura (illustrator)
English – Children’s Story Book –
12.500″ x 8.500” (317mm x 280mm) 46 pp
Stinky Press Publishing (Release July 2013)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9890898-0-7